Here it is.
My blog.
My very own blog.
I've been interested in starting my own blog for quite sometime.
Why Not?
It's not like I'm busy in my every day life.
I can blog when the cleaning lady comes once a week to scrub my floors, do my laundry, wash the dishes and vacuum.
Or, when I'm at the spa getting my weekly mani/pedi.
I can blog when my children are in school and I have nothing better to do except sit around eating bon bons and watching my daily Soap Operas.
Ha. Ok, so none of that is true. Truth is.....I don't have any time to blog.
I just thought I'd throw it into my daily list of "Things to do" because I'm a little crazy.
Honestly, I think it's a great way to keep my family and friends updated on our chaotic life.
Living in the mountains, married to my wonderful Husband of 9 years and being a stay at home Mom of 2, soon to be 3 children is never without it's fair share of adventures.
When was the last time you stepped out your front door and took a short walk to the highway to cheer on a bunch of cyclists doing a 17 mile, all up hill road race?
My daughter proudly adorned her bicycle helmet and walked her bike to the barricade to yell, "Good job, you can do it, almost there!" to all of the participants.
My son and his friend also helped to cheer all the cyclists on to the finish line.
So, here it goes........
Welcome to "The Chronicles of all things Mommy".
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